Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Everything in 5 seconds

This week I was on YouTube and found some short funny summaries of classic movies. They have scenes from various parts of the movies incorporated, and run a bit like a trailer for the movie. However, most of these would probably make people not want to watch the movie.

Harry Potter in 5 seconds is a one of a kind summary. Dumbledore is trying to tell Harry what kind of person he is. We all know how diverse Harry really is between his dragon fighting and young love he is a well rounded character. As soon as Dumbledore tells Harry what kind of person he is an entire run of violent scenes flash before his eyes. And Dumbledore finishes with “love.” This is pretty ironic considering what kind of history Harry has.

The Lion King is 5 seconds is pretty entertaining. Simba and Mufasa are discussing how they will be together forever when suddenly the scene where Mufasa falls off the mountain plays. This is a pretty major scene and kind of took me by surprise, but the ending is classic. The clip ends with “hakuna matata,” Which means “there are no worries.” This is definitely a worrying situation, which makes the song very funny in this context.

Titanic in 5 seconds is very short and very sweet. “The ship can’t sink.” And guess what? They show the ship sinking. It really can happen!

Toy Story in 5 Seconds shows a new take on flying by Buzz Lightyear. As he proclaims his famous last words "to infinity and beyond" he is knocked out the window. Probably not how he envisioned his take off.
The videos all did a great play on parts of the movies and captured the “true” message in each one.

1 comment:

Lucy in the Sky said...

Oh man, I just watched all of those and they are hilarious. Especially "Titanic". This ship can't sink...bluopp. You just made my day by writing about these movies. Thanks!