Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Babies Babies Babies

Paris Hilton denied rumors that she was going to be adopting four blonde children. Its probably a good thing because Paris can’t even keep a man around. She would rather buy new a new house and expensive clothes than pay for a babysitter, which I’m sure she would have around the clock if she did have kids. She also tells reporters that she would rather have her own kids than adopt. I’m not so sure how Paris would feel about gaining weight and not being a size 0 for nine months. While some stars can pull off being pregnant, Paris is not the one. The news reports would be of her getting a live in nanny or losing one of them while shopping in Louis Vuitton. Having kids would also mean having to put her acting career on hold for a while and she would probably just have to spend all her time at the spa.

It is also thought that Christina Aguilera is pregnant. Thanks to Paris the announcement was made at a night club in front of their friends. Christina has gone from sweet teen singer to pop rock slut and back to motherhood. Hopefully she can maintain her current image long enough to raise a decent child. For every skeptical pregnancy there is a celebrity mother who we are sure will make it. Julia Roberts, Jennifer Garner, Courtney Cox: all great mothers. They have not faced as much, if any, negative comments as mothers like Brittney Spears.

Being the son or daughter of a celebrity must be really nice though. Always getting what you want and not having to worry about how to pay for that new car. Even though the child would probably never see his or her parents at least you would be happy with all your “stuff”.
Then, if you are in fact pregnant, you have to pick a suitable name for your child. Some celebrity choices for names are just beyond me though. Apple, Coco, Suri, or Audio Science? If I was one of those children I would be embarrassed to be called by my name. The parents, no matter how rich, should at least give their child a respectable name. No one wants to get called names on the first day of school!


Cucku said...

"Its probably a good thing because Paris can’t even keep a man around."

What, are you so sexist that a woman's unfit to live and raise children unless she wants to have a man run her life?

"Christina has gone from sweet teen singer to pop rock slut and back to motherhood."

BACK to motherhood?! I didn't realize that being a sweet teen singer was the same thing.

"Julia Roberts, Jennifer Garner, Courtney Cox: all great mothers."

lol cox

YABOY said...

I agree with the above statement. That is kind of a shot below the belt! Just because she is a hot (very hot) drunk and a party animal doesnt mean she is incapable to be a loving mother. Yes she has her moments of eye popping shows, delicious drinks, and joyrides. But she is Hilton, those things go away with the name. She can be a great mom, even if the only way she can do it is to buy a nanny.