Friday, September 28, 2007

Crash and Burn

We all know that people get in some pretty ridiculous car wrecks, but women are notoriously the most entertaining to rewatch. In the following clip the top wrecks by women are featured. The clip is actually called, “The Top 7 Stupidest Woman Car Crashes.” Even though I am female I still think that these are pretty funny.

So number 7 is a dragging fender. Come on, who wouldn’t notice a huge piece of your car just trailing along behind you? This isn’t exactly a car crash, but it definitely has the potential to get out of control.

Number 6 is a classic. Everyone has had that first time when you go to insert your parking garage ticket or whatever it might be, and can’t quite get the car close enough. However, I do think it is ridiculous that she just plowed over the cement pole. Maybe she hit the gas instead of the break? I don’t know about you but I never usually go that fast when I’m trying to hang out the window.

Woman number 5-thinks she can parallel park! Parallel parking is always the one thing people dread on their driving test and for many years after that. That lady obviously had no idea how to do it because when you are at a 45 degree angle and can’t get the rest of your car in you probably shouldn’t park there. And seeing people like her try to park makes me not want to park either because who knows what she could do to your vehicle if she drives like number 6.
Driving after a flood, classic mistake. Everyone knows that if you can’t see the ground below the water you shouldn’t drive through it because cars don’t work too well in water. I don’t know if she just thought she could floor it and get through the 4ft of water but it was about to engulf the whole car so there really was never any hope of her getting through.

Number 3- They probably have enough money to replace it.

Number 2 is definitely deserving of its spot in the lineup. I don’t care how much you trust the guy directing your car you should be able to realize when your car is about to fall into a giant trench. I’m not really sure how you would go about getting that out either.

And the number 1 video is definitely a new take on slow speed crashes. From the looks of the driver it looks like a student driver with the jerkiness but crashing right into the gate is classic. I can honestly say I have never seen anything like it before, especially flipping your car over at that speed.

Well ladies, sorry if any of those have happened to you and if so sorry because we all just got a good laugh out of it! I know that women aren't the only bad drivers, so men watch out because you're next. And I realize these are probably the worst female drivers you will find so don't think I think all women drive like this!

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